Rest Easy with Pure Planning

Gain clarity and peace of mind with Kevin Markin, BCom, RRC

Unbiased and proven ways for a clear course that’s right for you!

Reveal Answers To Key Questions

Do I have enough to do what I want?

How can I create a pay cheque for life to ensure I never run out of money?

How do I move from a savings habit to a mindset of comfort to enjoy what I’ve built?

Are my investments suitable for where I’m at?

How can I protect my intentions for giving and my estate?

And many more …

Why Just Retirement?

Interests Aligned With Yours!

Have you found it hard to find advice that is unbiased and in-depth? Are you tired of financial service providers you’re not sure you can trust? Do you wish you could find more help planning your income and other goals for retirement while your advisor only seems interested in talking about your investments?

At Just Retirement, as a financial planner my focus is much broader and deeper than an investment advisor. What’s more, I am specialized in the needs of people near and in “retirement”.

Most important, I am committed to integrity and and professionalism beyond the norm. Your needs are always put first.

I am a fee-for-service planner, so there are no hidden fees or incentives that might conflict with your best interest. I charge a flat fee, with no commissions or fees tied to the size of your assets. Most advisors receive a percentage of your assets invested as their fee, so their interests are not well-aligned with yours during “retirement” when you are drawing down your money.

Being independent, I am free to advise on any strategy, not only what a particular provider has to offer. I recommend strategies that are proven effective by academic research and other evidence. I also holistically include both financial and non-financial areas of peoples’ lives in my analysis. I take the time to clearly explain the benefits and pitfalls of strategies, and why they may, or may not, be a good fit for you.

Role and Value of Financial Planning In Retirement

Help With Single Issues To Full And Ongoing Service

I can help with one-off issues such as when to take CPP or what do do with an employer pension.

However, the interplay of all pieces of your financial and non-financial life means looking at these in a holistic way will result in the best decisions.

Real financial planning in retirement involves so much more than your investments!

I can assist you in developing feasible lifestyle objectives and retiring to something, not just from something.

We can create a clear plan for your income, giving, estate, investments, tax, etc., and then manage it with adjustments over time to ensure you are never too far off course.

The Just Retirement service starts with and maintains a strong focus on your vision (your wants and whys), ensuring it informs the many other decisions important to your success.

Elevate Your Clarity and Peace of Mind With Advice Above and Beyond The Norm!

Navigate New Risks and Ongoing Change

Wants and needs change as you move through phases of “retirement”.

Economic and financial conditions change.

Significantly, sources of risk change when you are approaching and in decumulation of retirement compared to the risks when accumulating. The retirement red zone is a period of heightened risk related to longevity, or the risk of running out of money before running out of life. In a nutshell, a prolonged downturn or period of simply mediocre returns in the years just prior to or after retirement will greatly reduce the number of years investments will last. This is known as sequence of returns risk, and is something to plan for if investments need to provide a significant portion of your retirement income.

With all of this change, it’s important work with someone you can trust that is specialized and dedicated to helping you navigate this terrain.

(Image Source : Michael Kitces at Nerd's Eye View)

The Portfolio Size Effect And Optimal Equity Glidepaths (

The blue line in the graph above represents an investment portfolio expected to last for life (to age 95) under a set of assumptions. The risk is that if returns are poorer than expected in the retirement red zone, the portfolio may be depleted many years prior to life expectancy, or spending would need to be significantly curtailed.

This second graph shows a relatively recent example of the impact of sequence of returns risk. The time around the bursting of the tech bubble in early 2000 turned out to be one of the worst times financially to retire in the last century. The ten years following the crash became known as a lost decade of stock market returns, with values in the US S&P 500 index not getting back to previous highs until early 2010, and values in the Canadian TSX index not until mid-2009.

The late 1960s and the time around the 1929 stock market crash were also bad timing to begin retirement.

As of 2024, markets have generally been good for 15 years since 2009 following the global financial crisis, with relatively short corrections including early in the Covid-19 pandemic.

There are a number of ways to reduce sequence of returns risk.

If using traditional investments only, you can …

Spend conservatively at a level that’s expected to be sustainable for your lifetime (safe withdrawal rate)

Maintain spending flexibility based on market performance using guardrails to determine when to decrease or increase spending (flexible spending)

Spend only from safe assets by separating your money into buckets to cover short-, medium- and long-term needs, with low, medium and higher growth/risk investments, respectively (bucketing).

Reduce portfolio volatility by adjusting your asset allocation either dynamically or using a rising equity glidepath.

With annuities or other safer income strategies, you can …

Have a safety-first approach by covering non-discretionary or all expenses.

Moshe Milevsky, Professor of Finance at the Schulich School of Business at York University, world-renowned expert on retirement finance, and best-selling author of several books on retirement income including, “Pensionize Your Nest Egg”, has said the goal financially should be to get yourself on autopilot so you don’t need to make high-impact decisions at more advanced ages when your cognitive abilities may have declined.

Other prominent academic retirement researchers agree that safer income sources are the most efficient for providing retirement income, at least to cover your non-discretionary expenses. Safe income sources also give you a confidence or “license” to spend and to be more aggressive with your other investments.

With home equity or other reserves, you can …

Have buffer assets augment your income as needed or desired using home equity or other buffers.

We can determine the best approach or combination for you based on your preferences.

Custom-Fit Approach

Since all situations are unique, I use a custom-fit approach, taking the time to first understand the journey that’s brought you to this point. Then, we’ll design, implement and manage a holistic plan with lifestyle, income, investment, tax, and legacy strategies tailored to your vision, ensuring you can enjoy your retirement with elevated clarity, confidence and financial outcomes.

“ No-one is doing this stuff ! ”

Prospective Client

“Actually, there is a small and growing number.

But it’s not the norm!”

Kevin Markin, BCom, RRC

Owner | Financial Planner Just Retirement Strategies

My Commitment to You

When you partner with me at Just Retirement Strategies, I’ll work closely with you every step of the way, adhering to high professional standards, integrity, and a commitment to excellence.

My goal is to empower you to make informed decisions that will secure your vision so you can live with more with peace and contentment!

Embrace the Future with Confidence

Contact me today to schedule a free consultation to see how my service might help you.

If we agree it’s a good fit, join the small group of clients I have capacity to serve.